You are a scholar and wonder where research on strategic foresight is heading. This page is for you.
Past, Present and Future of Research on Corporate Foresight
There are three key avenues where you can contribute,
- advancing corporate foresight practices,
- connecting corporate foresight to strategy practice and theory,
- connecting corporate foresight to innovation, engineering, and R&D management practices and theory.
Corporate foresight drives Firm Performance
One of our most exciting findings in our research program is that future prepared firms enjoy on average a 33% higher profitability and a 200% higher growth rate than their less prepared peers. You can access the free article or download our benchmarking report, that also provides three key recommendations to build future preparedness.
Scenario planning and wargaming
One of our corporate partners asked us once how to prepare for rivals that are not yet visible in your industry. Here is what we came up with: Scenario planning and Wargaming
Selected Publications
On corporate foresight, dynamic capabilities, and firm performance
- Schwarz, J. O., Rohrbeck, R., & Wach, B. (2020). Corporate foresight as a microfoundation of dynamic capabilities. FUTURES & FORESIGHT SCIENCE, 2(2). [read our summary]
- Rohrbeck, R., & Kum, M. E. (2018). Corporate foresight and its impact on firm performance: A longitudinal analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 129(4), 105–116. [read our summary]
- Rohrbeck, R., & Schwarz, J. O. (2013). The value contribution of strategic foresight: Insights from an empirical study of large European companies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 80(8), 1593–1606.
- Rohrbeck, R. (2012). Exploring value creation from corporate-foresight activities. Futures, 44(5), 440–452.
On corporate foresight and innovation
- Gordon, A. V., Rohrbeck, R., & Schwarz, J. O. (2019). Escaping the ‘ Faster Horses ’ Trap: Bridging Strategic Foresight and Design-Based Innovation. Technology Innovation Management Review, 9(8), 30–42.
- Jissink, T., Schweitzer, F., & Rohrbeck, R. (2019). Forward-looking search during innovation projects: Under which conditions it impacts innovativeness. Technovation, 84–85, 71–85
- Rohrbeck, R., & Gemünden, H. G. (2011). Corporate foresight: Its three roles in enhancing the innovation capacity of a firm. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(2), 231–243.
On the history and future research trajectories of corporate foresight
- Gordon, A. V., Ramic, M., Rohrbeck, R., & Spaniol, M. J. (2020). 50 Years of corporate and organizational foresight: Looking back and going forward. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 154.
- Rohrbeck, R., Battistella, C., & Huizingh, E. (2015). Corporate foresight: An emerging field with a rich tradition. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 101, 1–9.
On methods and tools of corporate foresight
- Spaniol, M. J., Bidmon, C. M., Holm, A. B., & Rohrbeck, R. (2019). Five Strategic Foresight Tools to Enhance Business Model Innovation Teaching. Journal of Business Models, 7(3), 1–12 [read our summary]
- Schwarz, J. O., Ram, C., & Rohrbeck, R. (2019). Combining scenario planning and business wargaming to better anticipate future competitive dynamics. Futures, 105, 133–142. [read our summary]
- Lehr, T., Lorenz, U., Willert, M., & Rohrbeck, R. (2017). Scenario-based strategizing: Advancing the applicability in strategists’ teams. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 124, 214–224
- Rohrbeck, R., Thom, N., & Arnold, H. M. (2015). IT tools for foresight: The integrated insight and response system of Deutsche Telekom Innovation Laboratories. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 97, 115–126.
- Rohrbeck, R. (2014). Trend Scanning, Scouting and Foresight Techniques. In O. Gassmann & F. Schweitzer (Eds.), Management of the Fuzzy Front End of Innovation (pp. 59–73).
On corporate foresight and new market exploration
- Højland, J., & Rohrbeck, R. (2018). The role of corporate foresight in exploring new markets – evidence from 3 case studies in the BOP markets. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 30(6), 734–746. [read our summary]
- Kaulio, M., Thorén, K., & Rohrbeck, R. (2017). Double ambidexterity: How a Telco incumbent used business-model and technology innovations to successfully respond to three major disruptions. Creativity and Innovation Management, 26(4), 339–352
- Heger, T., & Rohrbeck, R. (2012). Strategic foresight for collaborative exploration of new business fields. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 79(5), 819–831.
On open and business model innovation
- Rohrbeck, R., Konnertz, L., & Knab, S. (2013). Collaborative business modelling for systemic and sustainability innovations. International Journal of Technology Management, 63(1/2), 4.
- Rohrbeck, R. (2010). Harnessing a network of experts for competitive advantage: technology scouting in the ICT industry. R&D Management, 40(2), 169–180.
- Rohrbeck, R., Steinhoff, F., & Perder, F. (2010). Sourcing innovation from your customer: how multinational enterprises use Web platforms for virtual customer integration. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 22(2), 117–131.
- Rohrbeck, R., Hölzle, K., & Gemünden, H. G. (2009). Opening up for competitive advantage - How Deutsche Telekom creates an open innovation ecosystem. R&D Management, 39(4), 420–430.
On strategic foresight and sustainability
- Rohrbeck, R., & Kallehave, P. (2012). The Role of Corporate Foresight in Promoting Sustainability. In UN Global Compact International Yearbook (pp. 184–188).