You want to build strategic foresight capabilities? Or want to find out how to run a future-oriented strategy process. In this section you find short reads and links to free versions of our publications.
What is the
& how can I use it?
Since 2008 we are regularly benchmarking organizations on their Future FITness. With our maturity model we assess a range of critical practices. Learn more about our model in our recent white paper and read our 7-year study in which we show the positive performance impact of Future FITness.

Why is SCENARIO-BASED STRATEGIZING needed in uncertain times?
Have you wondered why it is so difficult to survive disruptive change, even with a brilliant strategy. The key is to balance performance of your strategy with its robustness and get ready to shift strategies if needed. This is where scenario-based strategizing comes in. Read a quick 4-step do-it-yourself guide, learn about how a restaurant owner uses it to cope with the Covid-19 crisis or read the full academic publication
How can BUSINESS WARGAMING help to win against future rivals ?
In our research we have developed a 7-step approach which integrates scenario planning and business wargaming. It helps you anticipate future competitive dynamics and prepare for new rivals that might come from other industries or which run digital or platform business models. Read our short article or access here for the full academic publication.